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Reasons Why You Should Nap More Often

Many people often wonder if napping is bad. Well, napping is not only for children but also for adults who are concerned about their health. It is one way of relaxing your mind and body. However, if you are planning to nap more often, you have got to do it moderately lest it backfires on your long run health. In the section that follows, you will learn and appreciate the benefits of napping and the napping tips you would want to consider for better health.

Benefits of napping

You would want to learn the benefits of napping in the section that follows.

Increased alertness

When you engage in daily activities, your alertness tends to reduce as the length of the exercise increases. This opens floodgates to error and reduced productivity. In that case, you should take a nap more often if you are to increase your alertness after specified duration in your working day.

Reduces risk of burnouts

Whenever we are behind schedule, chances are that you would want to create as much time as possible for the project at hand. There is a growing urge to push ourselves to the limits so long as the project is done. Even with the efforts, we risk burnouts. When it happens, burnouts may result into stress, frustrations and reduced productivity. To avoid such incidences, you would want to take a nap to restore our alertness and normal functionality of our body system.

Reduces risk of heart attack

Research has indicated that patients who take midday nap at least 3 times a week are 37% less likely to experience heart attack. This also applies to healthy persons. Therefore, it follows that napping is a great weapon to combating coronary diseases.

Reduces risk of heart attack

Increased productivity    

Napping rejuvenates body energy. It restores the sensory responses of the body thus improving a person’s alertness. You would want to take a nap if you want to improve your productivity after some rigorous time of engaging in such activity.

Important napping tips

The following naps tips may be worth noting and subsequently implementing. By implementing these tips, you will develop healthy napping habits in the long run.

Napping consistently

You will want to observe consistency when practicing napping if you are to develop good sleeping habits. Consistency means that you should practice napping at specific time every day.

Napping short durations

Short napping durations are very important for healthy adult lifestyle. When you keep them short, you reduce the risk of developing sleep inertia long after developing the napping habits.

Use eye mask

Usually, people use blankets when napping at night. However, if you are napping during the day either in the office or any other place, you would want to use a simple eye mask to help you communicate with your body to appropriately shut down your body system in preparation for napping. While at it, you should turn off your lights for a better nap. Obviously, you want to be discrete more especially if you are napping in office environments lest you earn an unpleasant reputation.

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